

.Theproblemis,thatthewindowscrolleventisnottriggertheloadingofimagesinthere.For ...,LazyLoadPluginforjQuery|Zepto.LazyLoaddelaysloadingofimagesinlongwebpages.Imagesoutsideofviewportwontbeloadedbeforeuserscrollstothem ...,Lazy...

Best jQuery Lazy Load Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

Best jQuery Lazy load plugin with demo.List consist of jQuery lazy loading image effect & content on page load and scrolling page.

Example: Elements Inside a Container

Sometimes you may store elements in an container like a <div>. The problem is, that the window scroll event is not trigger the loading of images in there. For ...


Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery | Zepto. Lazy Load delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport wont be loaded before user scrolls to them ...

jQuery Lazy

Lazy is a fast, feature-rich, extensible and lightweight delayed content loading plugin for jQuery & Zepto.

jQuery Lazy Load 图片延迟加载

基于jQuery 的图片延迟加载插件,在用户滚动页面到图片之后才进行加载。 对于有较多的图片的网页,使用图片延迟加载,能有效的提高页面加载速度。

jQuery.Lazy() 圖片延遲載入

2020年8月30日 — 簡介當頁面的圖片檔案又大又多時,就可以考慮用Lazy 函式庫做到不一次下載,而是當畫面滑到時才開始下載圖片。

Lazy Loading Images

2021年5月12日 — jQuery Lazy. A simple, jquery based lazy loading library. WeltPixel Lazy Loading Enhanced. A Magento 2 extension for lazy loading images.


2017年1月2日 — I'm using the lazyload plugin for loading all the images in my web. These images are each one contained in a div with also some description and ...

Use lazyload.js on a container loaded by jquery .load()

2014年11月10日 — Solved it by adding $(#search-results).scroll(function() $(img.lazy).show().lazyload() });. at the end of my load() function.


Lazy Load delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport wont be loaded before user scrolls to them. This is opposite of image ...